Student Guide

Common Phrases


Phrase Translation
Abunai Watch out! Be Careful!
Arigato Gozaimashita Thank you for what you did. (Spoken at the end of practice.)
Dozo Please. (As in "go ahead". This may be an instruction from your teacher when he wants you to begin practice after demonstrating a technique.)
Hai Yame Please stop. (This will be said by your instructor during Keiko when he wants you to stop.)
Hajime Please start. (This will be said by your teacher when he wants you to begin.)
Konnichi Wa Good afternoon.
Ogenki Desuka
How are you?
Ohayu Gozaimasu Good morning.
Onegaisimasu Thank you for what we are about to do. (Spoken at the beginning of practice.)
Oyasumi Nasai
Good night. (As in "I'm leaving".)